Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

D O D O L (sweet sticky-cewy cake)

If rice is consumed everyday by mostly of Indonesian people, then its brother - glutenous rice has secondary role as is usually processed for snacks. From this unique ingredient, people has created various kind of snacks. It is most prepared together with grated coconut and its milk. Well, let's see how this full-of-carbo-stuff looks like...

'Paddling' all day long to stirr ingredient
Dodol is kind of sweet that almost has its typical style in almost each province. Though today Dodol is already made by industrial-scale producers and packed in modern packaging, the original-traditional ones remain popular. During a long of production process, glutenous rice is massively grind, then cooked and stirred until it is sticky and chewy. As for sweetener, palm sugar added that darken it. But sugar cane is used if it prepared for other taste or color, like:  pandan-green, strowberry-red, creamy milk-brown, etc.

Basket Cake (http://www.ceritamu.com)
Until today, wood-fired Dodol is still made traditionally by many local people and wrapped in unique presentation and taste as it also added with tropical fruits. For Chinese descent, Dodol is one of lunar new year rites complement so-called Kue Keranjang or literally means "basket cake".

A Traditional Dodol Center (www.mediaindonesia.com)

Uli Bakar

 ... (tbc..)

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